Archive | June 2011

10 miles down… Not one of my best runs!

This afternoon I had one of the worst 10 mile run’s… Today was initially going to be a second consecutive rest day, which changed to a run day, due to going away this weekend. I should have kept it as a rest day!

It was one of those runs that within the first mile you knew it was going to be a stretch to complete… It went well for the first 5, than starting the second half from miles 5 – 7.5, I thought I was either going to perish in the woods or a coyote was going to eat me… I should have cut my loses and ended the run at 6 but I told myself if I was going to drag myself out on this run today, I was doing the whole damn thing…

A weird thing happened at the 7.5 turn around to home… I killed this section in about 18 minutes to recoup my loses and finish the 10 in 1.15… It was quite hot this afternoon and I think I lost my concentration from the 5 – 7.5 mile mark… It happens!


Canada Day, day 2 of 3 for the work week!

Day 2 of 3 then a well needed 4 day weekend… Canada Day on Friday! 

Another glorious sunny day with highs reaching 26 Celsius 🙂 It was reported yesterday Nova Scotia had 31 consecutive day’s of rain this spring… Hence the bummed out weather reports. Now that the nice weather is upon us, hopefully it sticks around!

32 miles of running last week, that is about exactly where I want to be at this time… Talks are on the horizon of a possible 1/2 marathon sometime in the fall… If that takes place, I will  attempt a PB with a 1.35… I have done 1.37 so I am thinking it is doable.

I am enjoying my once a week watch less run as well as cycle/ run. It is nice to change things up. I still havent started the weights,  I have a hard time doing weights because it is so boring!!!


3 day work week, Canada Day

I got poo’ed on by a bird this morning on my way to work… Kind of bird… Unknown

Can’t beat 3 day work weeks! With Canada Day this Friday, a vacation day on Thursday, and a trip to New England this weekend it’s going to be a good week!

Weather is even beginning to feel Summery!



run = 6 miles yesterday afternoon… My goal was to take it easy, ended up running it a little too fast… 3rd consecutive run outside in the sunshine… It is nice to be off the treadmill! I would love to live in a climate with warm/ mild weather year round… This 4 season nonsense is for the birds!
