Archive | March 2012

Week 8, Florida bound!

That concludes week 8 and unfortunately, I don’t have my stats handy… I tend to calculate and keep track of them as part of work related activities…

As a matter of fact, I DO!

I swam 5500 meters

ran 42 miles

Cycled for 8 hours again this week…

A tiring week, required a couple swim,bike, run days to fulfil all activities. After 4 hours on the bike and a 6 mile run this morning, I have been experiencing slight groin discomfort. I don’t say pain or injury because I have yet to be on a disabled list due to injury… Knock on wood…

Tomorrow I leave on a jet plane for Florida…

Taking at least 2 possibly 3 days off this week…

Going to follow strict carb rules and drink lots of beer and eat lots of junk… I will be a machine next week haha



Weekend update even though it is not the weekend…

Weekend update! Even though it is in fact not the weekend but Thursday… Thursday update of last weeks activities almost a week late… Do dah do dah

Last week totals;

Swim 5500 meters

Run 44 miles

Bike 8 hours

I didn’t realize I had sat on a bike for 8 hours last week. That is why updates are so important. It puts the pressure on for this current week, I only planned on 7.5 hours of cycling. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

 I had a wonderful 16 mile run on Sunday… My plan of taking it slow and easy ending up at a 7.30 average pace. It felt effortless! I credit this to the extra cycling and time holding my breath in the pool…

The crunch is on this week! I am cramming everything into a shortened week, I am heading to South Beach on Sunday. Next week will be a cut back week. I have trained 6 day’s a week the last 8 weeks, I am due for a break… And some heat!

I may attempt to out swim some sharks…

Beer night

Friday = Beer Eve!

Saturday will also = Beer Eve!

This afternoon will consist of a bike/ run/ bike/ run following work… I was going to ramp it up further, but looking forward to getting home and cracking open some cold ones.

Carbo loading!

I cannot say I am going to gorge out on food, I do that every night!


week #7

I have five minutes, so figured I would elaborate…

I am in Canada… The temperature was 26 today… March 21st… That is crazy! (celsius)

I ended up committing the exact mistake I did last Wednesday afternoon, I ran 12 miles and planned for a light 1 hour cycle… That turned into a 1 hr 25 minute spin class. My legs are shot, I didn’t think I was going to make it…

Yesterday morning I ventured to the pool to swim 3000 meters… That is a ridiculous distance to swim. All these years I thought running stationary, on a treadmill took the cake as the most boring activity in the world, I was wrong! I had a dunce moment thinking the swim leg of an Ironman was 3400 meters, I just realized it is 3800 meters.

Back to the thought of treadmill running being the most boring activity in the world, I ran 15 miles last Sunday on one, it wasn’t all that bad. If you break the run into 5 mile chunks like an ordinary running chunk, a chunk of hills and a chunk of speed, the run goes by quickly.

This training gets a little ridiculous after a while… Spending on average 3 hours + at the gym, eating everything I can get my hands on and sitting on a bike for hours on end isn’t most people’s idea of fun…

How is your week going? Training? Boston is getting close!
