Tag Archive | treadmill

I am dumb for cycling all these miles hard, continually, after years of running injury free and even dumber for all those run/ bike combinations and now not even being able to run due to my thigh hurting so damn bad when I walk

I hate to inform you, I am still injured. I am as surprised as you are!

*I think I hate to inform myself or admit that I am injured…

 If I had to pinpoint a reason; I would say the past 9 weeks spent hammering out miles both running and cycling is a likely cause…

 I completed 42 miles of running last week and even knowing that this will not benefit my cause, and possibly disable me longer, it’s too late now!

 My plan is to take this entire coming week off both running and cycling to cure what ever ailment I have.

 I do plan on continuing to swim; it is soooo much fun continually going back and forth over and over and over!!!

 The best thing I could have discovered was a foam roller; after I mounted and got acquainted with it, it delivered relief to the area. A Google search recommended deep tissue message  confirming my own personal diagnosis of tightness. I am hoping it is not a stress fracture…

 I personally think it is a: “I am dumb for cycling all these miles hard, continually, after years of running injury free and even dumber for all those run/ bike combinations and now not even being able to run due to my thigh hurting so damn bad when I walk”

 To live and learn I guess… To live and learn!

Treadmill runs and Ear buds and iPods

Following some good advice from fellow bloggers, thank-you for all your comments, I will be taking a hammer to the piggy bank, heading to the local electronics store and purchasing an iPod Nano or iPod Touch… Some sort of Apple product… I feel like I am 10 years behind the times…

 After my purchase I will then stop at a grocery store and buy Zip-lock bags to protect the unit from a sweat endued death in hopes it is spared from joining my other failed MP3 devices in the graveyard of doom!!!! SCARY!!!!

 On the subject of MP3 players, I’m unsure of the rest of the world, but I cannot find a pair of ear buds that will stay put in my ears. This may be due to my big ears or some freak genetic ear design but regardless of the adapter size (different ear canal adapter?), they still fall out!

 While browsing around on the internet I came across Yurbuds. I have seen these before but never gave them a second thought. They are endorsed by Ironman athletes, sweat and water proof, and if an advertising campaign has ever worked, it just did! They seem to mold into the ear for a better fit and I am sold! 

 What do you use???

On the running front I am currently at 22 miles for the week, all treadmill running… Winter weather is heading East forecasted for later this afternoon so run number 4 will take place on the treadmill also, all 8 miles of tempo goodness. It has been a mediocre week of running at best. I have felt tired and unmotivated… I am planning for 4 easy miles Saturday and 11.5 to 13 on Sunday to round out the long runs…


Beautiful Fall Day… Valley Harvest… Treadmill

Beautiful fall day in Nova Scotia today….

received 80mm of rain yesterday…

Which had me running on this (Which I have been doing a lot of lately)…

 I neglected to mention this: (The Valley Harvest Half Marathon I ran in October)

 Due to being one of the worst Half Marathons I have run to date… I don’t blame it on the unbelievably abnormal 26 degree temps recorded that day… (unusual for Nova Scotia in October) I blame it on stupid race execution… I was prepared for this race, I blew it for myself.

But anyways…

I made the mistake of going to the bike store yesterday and seeing this:

I am in the market for a Tri-bike… Specifically a Time Trial bike… I have been researching Cervelo, seen this in the bicycle shop window all summer and up close and personal yesterday…

Even for the beautiful weather, I will still be found on this later today….




Another Flat tire… CTC Canadian Tire Corp. Rain and treadmills!

I am going to keep a running tally of how many tires I can possibly purchase within the lifespan of my car… Over the last two years, I have purchased 6 tires! I had a blow out the other day going through a construction zone,  plowing over a toppled “construction cone”… You would think I was blond, driving around for 2 days absolutely oblivious that I had blown a tire… Highway driving, city driving, bumps… You name it…

Spent the morning at CTC, Canadian Tire Corporation, getting a tire installed… That’s an experience in itself. I arrived shortly after they opened and the waiting room literally had one other person in it. They have a first-come first-serve basis and I must have witnessed 6 cars come and go. People checking in after I arrived were getting their cars fixed prior to me. After inquiring 3 times, and being told I was next each time, it finally went in.

Running tonight and I think it is going to be beneficial… More rain in the forecast until Thursday… That is no joke! Over the last 3 weeks, we have had 2 non-rainy days! I am going to be hitting the treadmill but tonight, I don’t really care!
