Tag Archive | 26.2

Scotiabank Bluenose International Marathon Youth Run

Our local marathon took place this past weekend, The Scotiabank Bluenose International Marathon, and 3300+ kids took part in the youth run. Claims to be the largest youth run in Canada…

Totally inspiring…


New Plans and Old Pains…

The last couple weeks have consisted of do not’s and donuts…  Not as many donuts…

The hip/ quad/ groin pain is still present, however more bearable. I have checked out of doing all high impact activities like running and I am enjoying the break!

I swam a total of 8,000 meters last week… I was at the cusp of completing 10,000, but drank too much Saturday night and was in no shape to jump into the pool Sunday morning. Believe me, I tried!

I decided it would be much more fun to navigate the dandelion jungle in attempt to win the epic battle of man vs. weed.  I was victorious following a hard-fought, 6 hour combat mission… It was just me, the weed extractor and 6 hours of pushing using only my right foot. I couldn’t use the left, that’s my injured leg!

I did foam roll… Then I got sick of it.

It is easier popping Advil…

This morning I swam 2000 meters consecutively.

I may have changed my plans a little… I am not going to jump directly into an Ironman. I have decided to aim for a half Ironman first and sprint/ Olympic distance races this summer.  I am hoping to complete a half by the fall than hopefully a full by next fall.

I am in the process of purchasing a better bike and plan to continue my current training.

Ironman Muskoka 70.3 September 09th is a new goal… I see it is still open…

I am dumb for cycling all these miles hard, continually, after years of running injury free and even dumber for all those run/ bike combinations and now not even being able to run due to my thigh hurting so damn bad when I walk

I hate to inform you, I am still injured. I am as surprised as you are!

*I think I hate to inform myself or admit that I am injured…

 If I had to pinpoint a reason; I would say the past 9 weeks spent hammering out miles both running and cycling is a likely cause…

 I completed 42 miles of running last week and even knowing that this will not benefit my cause, and possibly disable me longer, it’s too late now!

 My plan is to take this entire coming week off both running and cycling to cure what ever ailment I have.

 I do plan on continuing to swim; it is soooo much fun continually going back and forth over and over and over!!!

 The best thing I could have discovered was a foam roller; after I mounted and got acquainted with it, it delivered relief to the area. A Google search recommended deep tissue message  confirming my own personal diagnosis of tightness. I am hoping it is not a stress fracture…

 I personally think it is a: “I am dumb for cycling all these miles hard, continually, after years of running injury free and even dumber for all those run/ bike combinations and now not even being able to run due to my thigh hurting so damn bad when I walk”

 To live and learn I guess… To live and learn!

Injuries and set backs…

This week I have run 2 miles… I am currently on a running hiatus due to a very painful groin and quad area. I have run through the pain over the last couple weeks, including 14 miles on Sunday, but decided if I don’t back off, I will end up on a permanent disabled list.

 Much like where I am now…

 This is pay back following years of bragging and gloating about never experiencing a running related injury throughout my entire running career.  

 I don’t think it is very serious; I did what most do when they get injured, I turned to the internet. According to Runner’s World forums what I am experiencing (as I have the same symptoms as those on the forum) is a quadriceps muscle strain… Remedy; Massage!

 A fact about me; I don’t and never have stretched! With the strain of adding 2 additional sports to my regular training repertoire, my muscles have become tired and tight and I believe this has caused my current set back. Straight from Dr. John M.D.

 But I have continued to swim and cycle; racking up 3 hours on the bike and 5200 meters of swimming so far this week.

 It can’t hurt, they are low/ no impact sports…

 I found a frozen water bottle in my freezer at work immediately grabbing it for use as a medical apparatus rolling it hard into my quad. It feels like it is working!

 Here is hoping it resolves itself!
