Archive | February 10, 2012

More swim… Goggles and chlorine

Goggles – Check!

New Gym Membership with pool/ track  – Check!

Lane swim last night – Check!

Goggles (mixed myself up, I was convinced I wanted to say google) made a world of difference. I swam a total of 1550 meters in sets of 50’s/ 100’s. Initially I completed 50 lengths, than having a quick chat with the lifeguard, realized the pool is only 25 meters long (thought it was 50 but should have known better) so I tacked on 12 more…

Spent an hour on the bike before hand…

The most valuable lessons I have learned during my inaugural week;

This is going to be a hell of a lot of work…

Never swim in over chlorinated public pools with out goggles…

Hit the weight room… Shoulders and back will thank you later

Need to revise my schedule to complete workouts in the morning…

How is your week/ training coming along?? It is Friday, enjoy your day!
