Archive | February 20, 2012

Week two in the books

Week two is now in the books…

I managed to swim 3200 meters, cycled 4.5 hours and increased my running to 37 miles…

Training has brought with it some ups and downs. I have learned swimming at a “Community Center” type gym can bring with it challenges… Such as jockeying for position in a lane and avoiding kids using lanes as public pool spaces. The other big challenge has been scheduling, the whole pool is closed and used for lessons on Saturday and Sunday mornings… My advice; Don’t join a Community Center!

By the end of  week two, swimming is getting easier… I can link together 125 meter sets without great difficulty in completing 1800 meters… It does take some build up of endurance after not swimming lengths or distance for so long. I am going for 2000 meter this week…

Cycling indoors is what I find most difficult and hardest to be motivated towards. It is difficult sitting on a bike, in a room, for an extended period of time and not going insane. Spin classes have made this a tad more bearable…

I have managed quite a few bike to run workouts not finding the transition too difficult.

So far it hasn’t been too bad, I find I could eat endlessly as though my stomach is a bottomless pit (I think that has alot to do with the swimming) and that it is easier training for one sport such as running. One of the hardest parts in the early stages has been training while being tired from a previous days activities…
